Thanks to the plate with holes welded to their base, the Emilia brackets can be fixed to the wall with anchor bolts or threaded rods. Indicated for fixing masts used for antennas and satellite dishes installations.

Economical brackets

07-627ZANCA ECONOMICA PARI MUROFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-625ZANCA ECONOMICA 5 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-626ZANCA ECONOMICA 10 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

Light brackets

07-683ZANCA 10 LEGGERAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-684ZANCA 15 LEGGERAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-685ZANCA 20 LEGGERAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-686ZANCA LEGGERA 15/23Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

Heavy brackets

07-557ZANCA RINFORZATA PARI MUROFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-558ZANCA RINFORZATA 5 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-559ZANCA RINFORZATA 10 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

Super heavy brackets

07-616ZANCA PARI MUROFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-617ZANCA 10Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-618ZANCA 20Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-619ZANCA 30Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-620ZANCA 30 RINFORZATAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-621ZANCA REGOLABILEFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-622ZANCA REGOLABILE RINFORZATAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-622/AZANCA REGOLABILE RINFORZATA 75/140Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-623/AZANCA TUBOLARE 7/12Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-623QZANCA QUADRATA 15/22Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-623ZANCA TUBOLARE 15/22Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-624ZANCA TUBOLARE 25/42Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

Brackets with clamp

07-480ZANCA ATTACCO GANASCIA 5 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-481ZANCA ATTACCO GANASCIA 10 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-483ZANCA ATTACCO GANASCIA 15 cmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-484ZANCA TELESCOPICA 20/40Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-485ZANCA TELESCOPICA 20/40 RINFORZATAFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

Accessories for Emilia brackets

07-613/ATASSELLO AD ESPANSIONE Ø 12 mmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-613TASSELLO AD ESPANSIONE Ø 16 mmFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-588CONTROPIASTRA UNIVERSALEFoto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity
07-588/ABARRA FILETTATA mt 1Foto articoloDatasheetPhotoEC Conformity

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