FAQ: TV mixers, amplifiers and TV multiband amplifiers

How can I combine one or more signals coming from a different direction than everyone else?

It is possible to use special models of band and channel mixers, which have a channel input for receiving the signals coming from a direction and a broadband input, with traps in correspondence to the filtered channels on the other input, for receiving all the other signals.

I have some problems to receive RAI channels. How can I solve them?

When RAI channels come from a different direction than the channels transmitted by the other broadcasters, you can use different types of mixers and multiband amplifiers with broadband and channel inputs. In order to identify the product that best meets your needs, you can consult our Applications for regions area.

I have some problems to receive MEDIASET channels. How can I solve them?

When Mediaset channels come from a different direction than the other channels transmitted by private broadcasters, you can use art. 22-162, which is a mixer with broadband and channel inputs that allows, by means of a filtered input, the reception of the Mediaset channels only and the reception of all the other channels by means of an UHF input with traps in correspondence to the filtered channels.

What kind of amplifier can I use in environments with critical conditions (e.g.: attics with high temperatures, insufficient ventilation, etc.)?

The multiband amplifiers FUSION series are ideal in environments with high temperatures and insufficient ventilation, thanks to their die-cast aluminium case and the use of switching power supplies that allow you to deliver high currents keeping low temperatures.
FB, F and FX series
FK series

What is the difference between a mixer, an amplifier and a multiband amplifier?

Mixers are passive devices with two or more inputs that allow to combine signals coming from several antennas by inserting a small insertion loss.
Instead, multiband amplifiers (both for indoor and outdoor) can be compared to amplified mixers: they are characterized by one or more inputs that allow to amplify the signals received by several antennas and to mix them on a single output.
Finally, amplifiers can be divided into broadband and channel models and are generally used to amplify the signals of a single antenna which have a lower level than those of the other.
The situation is different for in line amplifiers, which are broadband amplifiers characterized by one input and one output, which are used to amplify the VHF and UHF bands along a distribution line.

How can I choose the multiband or in line amplifier that best fits my needs?


In the in line amplifier choice the maximum signals output level and the maximum gain are the most important characteristics. For the gain choice you have to consider all the insertion losses of the system from the point where the amplifier will be placed to the outlets.
Once established the necessary gain, you can select the model with the appropriate signals output level. This level can't be exceeded, otherwise there may be problems of intermodulation and the in line amplifier doesn't work in linear way anymore.
In the multiband amplifier choice, first of all it is necessary to identify signals coming from different directions, which define antennas and multiband amplifier inputs number and type. Once done this, act as in case of in line amplifiers.
Indoor multiband amplifiers
Outdoor multiband amplifiers
In line amplifiers

I purchased an in line amplifier for amplifying the signals along the distribution, but I got a worsening rather than improving. How is it possible?

When along a distribution line there are problems of signal reception and there are no improvements with the insertion of an in line amplifier, the causes can be of different nature:
• there may be a problem of insufficient signal quality, instead of intensity, maybe already in antenna (see FAQ. A.6 at this link);
• may be a problem of intermodulation of the in line amplifier, if the selected model doesn't have appropriate signals output level and gain (see FAQ. C.6);
• may be a problem related to the maximum permitted level of the input signals to the new TVs and DTT decoders on the market, which allow input signals with an intensity less than that received by the old analog tuners. It is advisable to keep the signal levels at the outlet of between 49 and 65 dBuV.
To check the real nature of the problem it is in any case necessary to perform measurements using a field meter.

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